All Guarding Personnel deployed by Pak Security Group undergo the basic Security Training Course which imparts the necessary skills to perform duties.
In addition to lessons on basic guarding skills they are taught the rudiments of First Aid, fire fighting and Self-defence. The training process is ongoing and progressive throughout the employees’ career to refresh and further develop their knowledge.
Training is imparted on job sites (customer premises) in our various branch offices, Regional Training Centres, as well as within the premises of a highly functional and well-equipped Central Training School presently located in Karachi.
Our site specific training courses are designed after discussions with the client and assessing the training needs of the staff. The aim of these courses is to enhance the security skills of the security personnel and develop management skills in the supervisory and management staff.
The basic training module covers:
- Duties and responsibilities of guarding personnel , code of conduct , dealing with people , alertness and performance of guarding personnel
- Courtesy, obedience, mannerism, FIR, Smart Investigation and communication
- Fire prevention and control, Health and safety at work, Evacuation procedure, First aid , Handing taking over procedure and handling of keys
- Knowledge of post wise instruction and unit instruction , ATM duty , Disaster Management